Our larger water pumping system is running at half capacity right now due to storm-related electric outages. So, it’s important that everyone conserve on water usage to avoid emptying the water tanks — no washing the car, watering the yard, etc. Please contact us if...

River Heights News (25 Jun 2020)

Dear RHPOA Members, We do hope you are a faring well and enjoying the start of summer. At the recent meeting, the RHPOA Board resolved to reschedule the Annual RHPOA member meeting for Tuesday, October 13th pending more substantial mitigation of COVID-19...
New Waste Carts Being Delivered Starting Today

New Waste Carts Being Delivered Starting Today

29 Apr 2020 Greetings All, The new waste carts are being delivered starting today! This may take several days to complete. If you wish to keep the old bins that you have been using, please do so. We’ve been told that JCRS has no use for them except to grind and...
New Waste Carts Being Delivered Starting Today

Update on Refuse and Recycling Cart Replacement

Greetings All, By Tuesday May 5th (next week), Johnson County Refuse will be delivering your new refuse and recycling containers. You may leave your red and green recycling bins at the curb to be picked up on Tuesday, May 5th. You also may leave your current garbage...
New Waste Carts Being Delivered Starting Today

Waste and Recycling Notice

Upon review and approval of the RHPOA Board of Directors, we wish to inform you that the RHPOA refuse and recycling removal fee will be raised to $20 per month starting May 1, 2020. At that time, Johnson County Refuse will be removing the red and green recycling bins...