Racquet Club
Our two excellent tennis courts were first constructed in 1975. In 2007, the Club installed a new Flex Court surface which provides cushion for knees and legs, requires very little maintenance, drains rain water, and dries quickly. The annual dues are only $185, and no dues are charged for the first calendar year of a new membership.
The one-time initial membership fee for River Heights Racquet Club is normally $500. We periodically offer family memberships for $300. The Club wants to encourage more people to enjoy the two outdoor courts located in a very pleasant setting near the Lakeview Pond.
If you have any interest in becoming a River Heights Racquet Club member, please contact Chuck Coulter at 358.0705 or by email at chuckcoulter@slhlaw.com.
MEMBER DIRECTORY: You can find a list of club members on the River Heights Member Resources Page which is password protected for privacy.
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A map showing the location of the tennis courts is below. the red arrows show how the courts can be accessed via Lakeview Drive (bottom of the map and the preferred way to access) or Lakeview Knoll (top right).
Here are the rules and guidlines for membership and use of the courts.
- Access. Members may access the tennis courts by a path along the Northeast side of the upper pond or by an access easement between 36 and 37 Lakeview Knoll NE.
- Clean-Up. Members will be invited to participate in clean-up activities each Spring — cleaning the courts, clearing brush, trimming trees, spraying weeds.
- Cost. The original memberships cost $2,000 to develop the tennis courts. Current memberships cost only $500.
- Dues. Each member is expected to pay annual dues at a rate established at the Annual Meeting. Dues are payable in January. No dues are payable for the calendar year in which a member joins the Club.
- Equipment. The tennis court equipment includes: two wooden benches, a patio bench. electrical outlets, two power cords, a push broom, two squeegees, two roll-dries, a leaf blower, and a first aid kit.
- Family Memberships. All Club memberships are family memberships, including all family members residing at the same address and students returning home from school. Memberships are non-transferable and non-refundable, except a member may transfer a membership to the buyer of the member’s home if the buyer signs an RHRC Membership Application form and timely pays the first annual dues.
- Guests. Members’ guests may use the courts only if accompanied by a member.
- Keys. Each member will be issued two keys to the padlocks on the gates. Gates must be locked when members leave the courts.
- Parking. The designated parking area for tennis players is located next to the lower pond at 9 Lakeview Drive.
- Reservations. Members may reserve the courts for specific times on a schedule kept in a plastic box in the patio bench on the tennis courts.
- Trash. Members are asked to take home whatever they bring to the courts in order to reduce the amount of trash left at the courts.
- Use of Courts. The tennis courts may be used only between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. Wheeled vehicles and skates are not permitted on the courts.
Thank You!